Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Really quick while baby is taking a nap.. just an update...

Libb came down for her birthday this weekend.. we had tons of fun. A few of us went to Fenton's, which is now my favorite ice cream place. They also have awesome food, like tuna melts and crab sandwiches. If you haven't tried it yet, you should.. so yummy!

We went to Aunty Tina's for dinner and played catch phrase, which was awesomely fun. Remind me i need to buy that game! ;)

We also went to scandia and played miniture golf... Eli slept that whole time...

Right now this makes me happy:

and this:

And this:

(strawberry lemonade-- made by.. the earth + and yours truly! :)
And lastly, this:
(well, not the saying goodbye part, but the family hug part. i think there was 9 of us in there :)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

our wrinkly little man...

I can't believe how fast my baby is growing! I have an ongoing list of scrapbook pages that I'm trying to get done, slowly but surely. I want to remember everything. Every little stage. Every favorite of his. Every milestone. All of it. This is him looking at scrapbook pages of himself. :)

Eli with his cousin Kyan. He was mesmerized by Kyan, I think he can't wait until he's big enough to play with him.

Eli and mema yesterday, he was quite happy being on her shoulders.

Eli and Aunty Libby at her last visit a few weeks ago, they're so cute together! She just loves him so much.

And this, my friends, is my mini wrinkly baby, just 4 months ago. 6 lbs, 13 oz. He's quickly catching up to his daddy :), ok, so maybe not that fast. But he's 14 lbs now, and a happy little explorer. He's on the move and constantly wants to be doing things. But I still miss this tiny wrinkly Eli ---->

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

4 month shots and first giggles..

I am so happy to have this sweet one in my life.
Just the other day Eli noticed that he could touch his animals in his bouncy seat :) It was so cute to see the look of excitement on his face. Within minutes he started flailing his arms, pushing them back and forth, then grabbing them and holding onto them, and talking to them all while playing with them. Now, everytime I put him in his seat he knows exactly what to do.
Matt made Eli laugh for the first time about a week and a half ago. Secret to his success: Rasberries on Eli's belly and under his arms. I could not figure out why he wouldn't laugh when I did it to him, he would just smile. Then on Sunday Matt figured it out-- his goatee tickles him! I guess it's a good thing I can't make him laugh like his Daddy can just yet, otherwise I might need to pull out some shaving cream and a razor and take them to my face.. ew. lol. :)Yesterday was baby's 4 month appointment, a week shy of his actual 4 month birthday. Anyway, at his 2 month appointment he got his first vaccines, and a few hours after we got home he cried like i'd never heard him cry before. (He hardly ever cries). Needless to say, after his appointment yesterday, we went through the same thing :( It's not that his crying irritates me or anything, but i can't stand to see my baby in pain. And he was in so much pain, and he had a fever. So, baby Tylenol must be kept on hand during times like these. He has been sleeping 80% of the time since his appointment yesterday.

We miss Aunty Bibby terribly, can't wait until her birthday weekend! :)