Sunday, December 14, 2008
This season..
Monday, October 6, 2008
Bouncers, General Conference, Goats and Printers
Maybe it's too early for the bouncer? :p He's sunk in it! Lol..
Friday, October 3, 2008
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
We went to Aunty Tina's for dinner and played catch phrase, which was awesomely fun. Remind me i need to buy that game! ;)
We also went to scandia and played miniture golf... Eli slept that whole time...
Right now this makes me happy:
and this:
And this:
(well, not the saying goodbye part, but the family hug part. i think there was 9 of us in there :)
Thursday, September 18, 2008
our wrinkly little man...
And this, my friends, is my mini wrinkly baby, just 4 months ago. 6 lbs, 13 oz. He's quickly catching up to his daddy :), ok, so maybe not that fast. But he's 14 lbs now, and a happy little explorer. He's on the move and constantly wants to be doing things. But I still miss this tiny wrinkly Eli ---->
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
4 month shots and first giggles..
Just the other day Eli noticed that he could touch his animals in his bouncy seat :) It was so cute to see the look of excitement on his face. Within minutes he started flailing his arms, pushing them back and forth, then grabbing them and holding onto them, and talking to them all while playing with them. Now, everytime I put him in his seat he knows exactly what to do.
We miss Aunty Bibby terribly, can't wait until her birthday weekend! :)
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Just thought i'd share a few recent photos- fyi there's tons more than this... these are just a few of my faves.
I am so thankful to have such a hardworking, devoted husband, and such an awesome family, they mean the world to me. :)
This picture cracks me up, Eli looks so tiny in the backround watching his aunty, hard to believe he is 13 lbs, almost double what he weighted at birth.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Taking Aunty Bibby to school
We had a lot of fun getting libby all ready for school in her new apartment, we went to ikea and got her a bed, her setup was pretty awesome in the end. Big shout out to Matt for building the bed, if it wasn't for him we would probably still be trying to put it together ;)
I already miss her like crazy, as i'm sure everyone else does.
On the way back home we stopped at a gas station so that I could feed Eli and when i was done I asked my dad if he could burp him for me, of course he said yes. So while i was getting things situated in the truck I heard my dad laughing behind the truck and I turned around and this is what I saw:
So I ran back there and got a few more pictures of the proud papa with his biker grandbaby :)
I'll post more pictures later, I need to get some things done while Eli is still napping.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
At 3 months
He tries to crawl all the time, with daddy cheering him on of course And fall asleep while in the pool with his aunty bibby: